“… we were in Tuscany at a friend’s home, watching the Twin Towers collapse on television, over and over again. Initially, I was unable to believe I was watching the news, or whatever it is called when a real world event tears through the fabric of the everyday; instantly, it seemed, my brain fabricated a buffer to protect me. I had heard by now that planes had flown into the World Trade Center while we were on the Italian autoroute, driving north – but what I believed, as I saw dense white clouds billow out of the upper floors of one of the towers before it dropped like the felled water buffalo in Apocalypse Now, was that I was watching some version of The History Channel, meant to help a contemporary viewer understand what the eruption of Vesuvius must have been like for residents of Pompeii.” ~ From Pompeii ’87-’01-’17, winner of Nowhere Magazine’s Fall 2018 Travel Writing Contest
“The cathedral square in Santiago de Compostela welcomes me back as if there were no time; no time between now and twelve years ago, when my then-husband and I and our beautiful mongrel pitbull reached here after walking the Camino through northern Spain for five weeks; no time between now and the bustling, stinking Middle Ages; no time between 1075, when ground was broken to build a bigger-and-better-stick-it-to-the-Moors-next-edition-house-of-worship after the church on the same site was burned to said ground, and 1211, when the cathedral was completed.”
~ From The Road to the End of the Earth in Sundog Lit’s (Letters from) The Road issue
As I sit, head lowered, listening, a world rolls out under my eyelids: eternal, immortal New York intertwined with vanished and vanishing New York. A portrait of the artist as an odd woman waking up in a world in which it is okay to be alone, unmarried, without children, okay to be a woman in love with a city and with books. It is revolutionary, I think, to let yourself begin again in the now." ~ From In Praise of Odder Women in Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies